Course Portal Update Complete, Thursday, July 6

Course Portal Update Complete, Thursday, July 6

by Los Angeles Pacific University -
Number of replies: 0

Earlier this morning, this course portal (where you access your online courses) underwent maintenance updates that required the portal be taken offline for a period of time.

The course portal is up and running again and available for you to access. Please be sure to empty your web browser's cache so that you do not experience any further access issues as a result of the update. If you are unfamiliar with doing that, please contact our 24/7 Technical Support partner, whose contact information is found as a public link on the front page of the Course Portal.

Grades link moved to the Gradebook Block

The grades link has moved from the settings block to the Gradebook block. The Grades link will take you to the User Report. From the Grades > User Report page you will be able to access the Gradebook.

Current Settings Block with Grades link New Gradebook Block with Grades link
screenshot of the Settings block, highlighting the Grades link which will be moved to the NEW Gradebook block on 6/17/2017Image of the new Gradebook Block that will be added to the Course Portal on 6/17/2017

Thank you,

UC Course Administrator


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