

by Josh Hibbard -
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Welcome to #StrengthsWeek! We are all works in progress. Before you start any major home renovations, the one thing you’ll need is a blueprint. The blueprint is a tool for development. It tells you what exists and helps you envision what could be. The blueprint is something that is based on the handiwork of generations of builders who know what will work and what won’t work. To develop a blueprint you need to know your goal and ask the right questions. A question is powerful. A question can change your life. The right question sparks the big WHY about what you do. When you know the why, the blueprint takes shape. In a strengths-based approach, it’s not only the questions, but also the reflections that empower you to create the blueprint for your life. 

We have developed some questions to help you uncover the why. Feel free to use any or all of the questions listed on our Strengths Week website to create a blueprint for success in your life. By clicking on the blueprint you can download a fillable PDF worksheet with additional questions and space for brainstorming. When you finish your blueprint, feel free to share it with your Success Coach to continue the conversation. Please click the button below to visit the #StrengthsWeek website and learn more!




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