Introducing a New Role at University College

Introducing a New Role at University College

by Josh Hibbard -
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Greetings students,

I am excited to announce the addition of a new support office at University College designed to provide learners with the most applicable and comprehensive service on the road to success. Beginning Summer 2, 2014, students will be supported by Program Completion Advisors for academic advising support toward the completion of upper-division coursework. Program Completion Advisors will also provide career guidance, directing students toward successful vocational aspirations. 

Program Completion Advisors will serve bachelor’s degree students based on their chosen major. While your Success Coach will serve as your primary advisor for the completion of the General Studies Core at UC, your Program Completion Advisor will support you through your upper-division coursework, offering support in the following areas:

  • Course selection
  • Academic plans and strategies for achieving degree completion, with a focus on upper-division requirements
  • Career development and successful transitions to life after graduation

I would also like to take this time to remind you about the comprehensive and extended services offered by Student Support Central. This office is your one-stop resource center for University College. Learn more about the services and multiple ways to get in touch with Student Support Central on our website at

All of our offices are designed to work together and complement each other, offering comprehensive support to address specific student needs. We look forward to partnering with you in your educational goals and supporting your journey toward the finish line of graduation!

Best Regards,

Josh Hibbard, Ph.D.
Director of Student Success
Director of Institutional Research and Assessment

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