Assignment Help Access from 7:00 pm PST, Thursday, 2/6/2013 - 4:00 am PST, Friday, 2/7/2013

Assignment Help Access from 7:00 pm PST, Thursday, 2/6/2013 - 4:00 am PST, Friday, 2/7/2013

by LAPU Administrator -
Number of replies: 0

We wanted to let you know that the Assignment helps section on assignment pages may become inaccessible during the hours of 7:00 pm PST tonight, 2/6/2014 through 4:00 am PST tomorrow, 2/7/2014. Updates are being applied to the site that hosts them and may cause them to disappear from the assignment pages for a timespan of up to 30 minutes. These updates will not affect anything in your courses. All course other course links, activities, assignments, etc will work as intended. 

For your convenience we are listing the links for assignment helps below.

YouTube Helps

Excel Assignment Helps

APOU Course Administrator


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