New Look to APOU Course Portal and Course Interface!

New Look to APOU Course Portal and Course Interface!

by LAPU Administrator -
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Important Timely Message to APOU Learning Community,

The changes to our course portal front page, as well as within the course pages has been applied. The website address is the same as what you have been using to log in to your courses, so no need to change your browser bookmark.

Also, everything in the course works the same way it did before. The portal and the course blocks within the courses now appear in shades of gray. Rest assured, you are still able to access the forums, assignments and quizzes, as well as gradebook and view grades the same way as before this change to the look and feel.

A new feature you see as the first link on the redesigned course portal front page is called "My Home." Clicking on that link gives you the option of using the "My Home" page as your dashboard to access assignments in your courses. You can still click on your course title in the "My Courses" block just as you have previously after logging in. However, we encourage you to at least try out the "My Home" page for a few weeks, because it displays a list of all assignments and quizzes and their deadlines for any courses you are enrolled in, including the status of your assignment submissions and grading. All but the forums in this list on the My Home page are clickable links that take you directly into your course.

We have implemented this redesign to the front page of the portal and to the interface of the courses in order to:

  • Remove visual clutter.
  • Organize the information.
  • Provide quick links to commonly accessed resources.
  • Streamline the user interface within the courses to remove extraneous block functions.
  • Provide a flexible visual experience on mobile devices.

We hope you find the new interface to be a more efficient and visually appealing browsing experience.

Please contact Technical Support if you have any input or problems that arise from the design change that was applied on December 30, 2013.

APOU Course Administrator

Attachment APOU New Course Portal.png

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