New enhancements, features added to tutoring support service

New enhancements, features added to tutoring support service

by Josh Hibbard -
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Dear APOU learners,

We are very excited to announce several new enhancements and features to our tutoring support service, available now!

Asynchronous Writing Support:  When you log in today, you will see a new option for submitting your essay for drop-off review. You can still connect with a live tutor to discuss and revise your paper in real time, but you now also have the option to submit your paper for review in a flexible way that fits with your schedule. Once you submit your essay, a tutor will complete a comprehensive review based on your requests and provide feedback within 24 hours.

New Subjects for Nursing Students: APOU is now offering tutoring support for the following subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, and Organic Chemistry.

Expanded Business Hours:  Beginning October 15, Economics, Finance, and Accounting tutoring will be expanded to provide four additional hours a day of tutoring coverage. Students will now be able to get help in these subject areas from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST, every day.

New HTML 5 Classroom:  We’re excited to introduce a new and improved tutoring classroom with all the same great features and functionality as before, but with a refreshed look and feel! You will not need to download anything; the new classroom will automatically load directly from your existing program links. You can try out the new classroom for yourself in a practice classroom here.

We hope these new resources will serve you well! Remember, you can access APOU’s 24/7 tutoring services directly from the Course Portal. Have questions? Contact your life coach/student success coach to learn more.

Kind regards,

Josh Hibbard, PhD

Director for Student Success | Institutional Research & Assessment


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