Tutoring Services

Tutoring Services

by Josh Hibbard -
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Greetings, students!

As part of APOU’s commitment to you and your success, we’d like to encourage you to improve your grades and enhance your learning experience by taking advantage of free online tutoring from Tutor.com, provided by the Center for Student Success.  Expert tutors are on hand 24/7 to help you with assignments, concepts, and exam preparation. The service covers a wide range of subjects, including multiple areas of math, science, English, and business.

Getting immediate assistance is easy! Simply contact your life coach/student success coach and ask about our tutoring resources.

APOU’s goal is to equip you with all the tools you need to be successful in your education. In combination with APOU’s support team, Tutor.com is an excellent resource to provide you with additional support for your academic journey.


Josh Hibbard
Center for Student Success
Azusa Pacific Online University


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