It’s Strengths Week at University College!

It’s Strengths Week at University College!

by Josh Hibbard -
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Welcome to Strengths Week at University College for the Spring II Session! This particular week holds deeper meaning as we not only reflect on our strengths, but also prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter on Sunday.

Strengths weave through every aspect of life, and the Easter story is no exception. We’ve created a mini devotional series centered on how you can discover your strengths through the Easter story. Visit our Strengths Week website to read and download the series.

We encourage you to read these daily devotionals and reflect on the following concepts:

  • Seek to be fully who you are and do what you're called to do through your strengths
  • Harness the collective power of strengths by working with others to do greater things

Did you know your strengths can impact others? Strengths work together, and when you understand your strengths you can apply them to your relationships to better understand and relate to that other person. Your relationships grow and work more cohesively when you recognize those qualities in people. Consider this question: How can you use your strengths to impact others?

Jesus outpoured His love for us through His sacrifice on the cross. We are called to love and uplift each other as followers of Christ. John 13:34-35 (NIV) says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” One way you can show this love is by using your strengths to positively impact those around you.

Share with us how you are using your strengths to impact others by posting to University College’s Facebook or Twitter accounts using the hashtag #StrengthsWeek.

We look forward to our conversations this week as we reflect on your strengths and learn how to relate them to your peers. Please contact your success coach with any questions.

God’s blessings to you as we celebrate Easter, reflecting and living out God’s love for us.

Kind regards,

Josh Hibbard, PhD
Director for Student Success

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