Upcoming Site Updates to Course.apou.net Thursday, March 13 and Saturday March 15, 7-11am PST)

Upcoming Site Updates to Course.apou.net Thursday, March 13 and Saturday March 15, 7-11am PST)

by LAPU Administrator -
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COURSE.APOU.NET Site Updates - Thursday, 3/13 - Friday, 3/14 from 11pm-6am PST

Our site portal, https://course.lapu.edu, will be undergoing some maintenance updates, Wednesday, 2/19, 8:00 pm PST until Thursday, 2/20, 3:00am PST. Although no down time is anticipated, if anyone experiences problems, you should try again after that time period and be sure to empty your browser cache. Please keep offline copies of your work and plan accordingly. 

Tutor.com LogoTurnitin.com will be down Saturday, 3/15 from 7am-11am for updates.

We have been notified by Turnitin.com that their service will be inactive and unavailable from 7am - 11am this coming Saturday, March 15. If your course has a Turnitin assignment due, please plan accordingly. You will be able to identify Turnitiin assignments by their logo next to the assignment link or by checking for Turnitin assignments in the Activities Block on your course home page.

Turnitin Assignments


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