Renaming the APOU Learning Portal

Renaming the APOU Learning Portal

by LAPU Administrator -
Number of replies: 0

We have heard your feedback regarding the confusion over our two online portals where you manage your student records and access your courses. The student information portal at is called the APOU Learner Portal, and the course access portal at has been called the APOU Learning Portal.

In response to the confusion over the subtle difference between these titles, we have decided to change the course access portal to APOU Course Portal.The name change to the portal at will take effect on Friday, February 24.

This is a change in title only and will not affect your bookmarks nor the website address for the course access website. You will still visit to access your courses. You will only see a change on the front page heading as well as in the breadcrumb navigator (links above each page in the site).

Instructions in tutorials and assignments will also be revised to reflect the change wherever the old title appears. However, if we miss one or two references to the old title, please reply to this announcement below to let us know the course, page, and body of text where the old title still appears.

The student information portal at will remain named APOU Learner Portal.

Thank you for your suggestions and patience as we continue to improve our portals, processes, and communications to provide you with the best learning environment possible.

APOU Administrator


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